Emerging Technologies and Christian Nationalism

Father of Media Studies Marshall McLuhan, philosopher of technology Jacques Ellul, and Trappist monk and theologian Thomas Merton wrote presciently about the benefits and perils of emerging technologies. Artificial intelligence, social media and mass communication are having a profound impact on our society.
Dominican University Siena Center, in collaboration with the Chicago Chapter of the International Thomas Merton Society, will offer a workshop to explore these pressing issues from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, March 22, 2025, at Parmer Hall, Dominican University, 7900 West Division Street River Forest, IL 60305.
The first session will feature Iona University Cox Colbert Teaching Scholar in Residence, Vaughn Fayle, OFM, discussing, “Redeemed and Unredeemed Technology and its Technocrats: The Cautious Wisdom of Thomas Merton and Jacques Ellul.” The second session will feature Emerging Technology Strategist and Techno-public Philosopher, Richard Putz, whose talk is entitled, “Thomas Merton and Marshall McLuhan Discuss the Rise of Christian Nationalism in America.” The two morning sessions will include time for questions, with a panel discussion following lunch.
Cost of the programs is $15, with lunch provided. Free parking is available, and Parmer Hall is handicapped accessible. Pre-registration is recommended. For more information, contact Siena Center Director Rachel Hart Winter, rhartwinter (at) dom (dot) edu (708) 524-6607, or Chicago Merton coordinator Mike Brennan, cc (dot) itms (at) gmail dot com 774-447-3989.
According to Fr. Vaughn, “Merton was one of several voices that spoke against the influence of technology in our lives and society. What was the cause of his concern, and how can we understand it today when technology gives us so many benefits? Could it be that we need to hear Merton cautioning us against a technological addiction that could derail our political, intellectual, and spiritual growth?”
Richard Putz offers this observation: “As Christian Nationalism gains ground in the US, it's crucial to understand its roots and implications and grasp the medium's meaning, message, and culture. McLuhan's 'Laws of Media' and 'The Medium is the Message' are instrumental in shaping our understanding of emerging technologies, like Artificial Intelligence, and their role in the surge of Christian Nationalism. These 'media laws' significantly influence cultural interpretations of society and standards, often leading to the acceptance of Christian Nationalism. Merton's insights into Christian Nationalism and its relationship with media and technology are equally significant.
“We should ask ourselves, ‘How do the McLuhan laws and Merton's thinking, speaking, and writings amplify or enrich the core message of the gospel in the world, education, and politics?’” Christian Social Teaching, he says, is the Antithesis of Christian Nationalism.