Dominican University to Welcome Activist, Social Justice Leader Dolores Huerta

Social Justice Leader and Chicano Civil Rights Pioneer Dolores Huerta will take part in a discussion entitled “Weaving Movements Together” on Tuesday, March 14.
The program will begin with live Mariachi music at 2 p.m., followed by a conversation with Dolores Huerta at 2:30 p.m. The discussion will be moderated by University Librarian Estevan Montaño.
To register to attend, fill out the registration form here.
Huerta co-founded the United Farm Workers Association with Cesar Chavez and was a leader in the 1960s Labor Movement and beyond. She is the founder and president of the Dolores Huerta Foundation, which helps communities build volunteer organizations pursuing social justice. The foundation’s grassroots organizing work is focused on civic engagement, education equity, health and safety, and LGBTQIA+ equality. Huerta has traveled the country to defend civil rights and campaign for legislation supporting equality.
The Dominican community can submit questions. Questions can be written on note cards that are available in the lobby of the Lund Auditorium before the program begins, or they can be submitted here online in advance of the program.
Huerta’s appearance is sponsored by the Rebecca Crown Library, Center for Cultural Liberation and the Center of Teaching and Learning Excellence.