Honors Program Scholars Assist Food Pantry in Feeding Migrants, Residents in Need

A food pantry helping to feed newly arrived migrants and local residents in need got some help recently from Dominican University Honors students.
On Nov. 16, 10 students from the Mazzuchelli Scholars Honors Program arrived at New Hope Bible Church in Chicago’s Hermosa neighborhood bearing canned goods they collected during recent a campus food drive. The students organized and restocked the shelves of the church’s food pantry and also assisted pantry users by helping them load their carts and bag their groceries. Students who spoke Spanish were also able to converse with and register shoppers from the migrant community who the church has stepped up to serve.
The volunteer initiative was led by Nelly Musajeva, a neurobiology and biochemistry major at Dominican.
“Everyone in our group found doing this type of volunteer work extremely meaningful, rewarding and heartwarming,” Musajeva shared. “It was such a relief to see these migrants’ smiles as we handed them the food items and navigated them through the pantry, knowing that they will have food for at least one, if not two, weeks before they have to make another trip to the pantry.”
Musajeva explained that the group was able to see first-hand how the need for volunteers in the community is great as many churches and community organizations are trying to help migrants access food, housing and other resources. She hopes more community service opportunities are available to Honors students in the future.
“Being in the service of others allows us to find ourselves, finding true purpose and fulfillment in our life, all while performing our moral duty,” she said.
Hassan Landeros, another student volunteer, said the work with New Hope’s food pantry helped him “make a difference for an issue that matters a lot to me.”
“It’s important to be involved in work like this because it not only helps others who have no one else to turn to, but because it gives you newfound appreciation for what you have and where you came from.”
The food drive and volunteer effort received support and collaboration from Dr. Tonia Triggiano, director of the Mazzuchelli Scholars Honors Program, and Paul Simpson, director of civic learning. Campus Safety also provided shuttle transportation for the students.