Faculty and Staff Directory

Jeffery Cote de Luna
Professor, Painting
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences
Discipline Director, Art History
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences
Discipline Director, Art History
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Vinessa Crenshaw
Administrative Assistant
Borra College of Health Sciences
Elizabeth T. MacNeil School of Nursing
Borra College of Health Sciences
Elizabeth T. MacNeil School of Nursing

Roberto Curci
Vice Provost, Strat. Initiatives & External Rel.
Office of the Provost
Brennan School of Business
Professor, Finance
Brennan School of Business
Title V Part B - PPOHA
Office of the Provost
Brennan School of Business
Professor, Finance
Brennan School of Business
Title V Part B - PPOHA

Kasia Cygan
Adjunct Instructor
Borra College of Health Sciences
Elizabeth T. MacNeil School of Nursing
Borra College of Health Sciences
Elizabeth T. MacNeil School of Nursing

Britney Daniels
Adjunct Instructor
Borra College of Health Sciences
Elizabeth T. MacNeil School of Nursing
Borra College of Health Sciences
Elizabeth T. MacNeil School of Nursing

Jessica Daniels
Student Involvement
Adjunct Instructor, Social Justice & Civic Engagement
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Colette Davion-Douglas
Adjunct Instructor
Continuing Studies
Adjunct Instructor, Core Curriculum
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences
Continuing Studies
Adjunct Instructor, Core Curriculum
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Amy de la Fuente
Project Manager, Social Work Education Enhancement and Training Project
School of Social Work
School of Social Work

Elizabeth DeAvilla
Coordinating Preceptor for Food Service Management & Specialty Nutrition
Borra College of Health Sciences
Nutrition Sciences
Adjunct Instructor
Borra College of Health Sciences
Nutrition Sciences
Borra College of Health Sciences
Nutrition Sciences
Adjunct Instructor
Borra College of Health Sciences
Nutrition Sciences

Anne Deeter
Executive Director of Planning, Grants & Foundation Relations
University Advancement
University Advancement

Maria Sophia Dela Cruz
Adjunct Instructor
Borra College of Health Sciences
Elizabeth T. MacNeil School of Nursing
Borra College of Health Sciences
Elizabeth T. MacNeil School of Nursing

Cynthia Delestine
Clinical Placement Coordinator
Borra College of Health Sciences
Elizabeth T. MacNeil School of Nursing
Borra College of Health Sciences
Elizabeth T. MacNeil School of Nursing

Jaci Devine
Adjunct Instructor, Communication Arts and Sciences
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences