In Our Keeping
Dominican Archivists and Historians' Conference
Sister Mary Nona McGreal, OP shaped the creation and implementation of the In Our Keeping (IOK) conferences. The conferences brought together Dominican historians, archivists and congregational secretaries from all over the United States in an effort to understand and write the history of the U.S. Dominican family. The programs provided scholarly lectures about Dominicans in U.S. history as well as archival workshops on organizing and preserving documents and sessions that addressed the latest technological advancements.
The Parable Conference for Dominican Life and Mission sponsored the IOK Conferences from 1984 to 2000. Prior to its dissolution in 2009, the Mary Nona McGreal, OP Center assumed hosting responsibilities of the conferences. Dominicans from approximately 12 states and three countries participated in the biennial event. Accomplished historians of United States history as well as Dominican historians provided the keynote addresses. 2012 marked the final In Our Keeping Conference.
Click on any of the links below to review In Our Keeping Conference keynote addresses, and view presentation recordings.
June 2012
"On the Frontlines in Chicago" |
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"The Holy Preaching from a Nun's Perspective" |
"In Search of a Larger Pulpit" |
"Changing History: Catholic Sisters and the American Church" |
July 2010
"Doing History as a Sacramental Remembrance" (pdf)
Suzanne Noffle, OP
June 2008
"The Study of History in the Transmission of Dominican Values" (pdf)
Barbara Beaumont, OP (S.H.O.P.)